An incense burning
A black and white picture of Liliana holding a japamala

My Mission

At Respira, I provide effective wellbeing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your team.

My mission is to ensure everyone feels seen, heard, and supported in their professional and personal challenges.

I offer a range of pre-designed programs based on extensive experience, and also collaborate with corporations to create custom solutions, guiding you through the design and implementation process.

All services are available in Portuguese, English, or both.

Why should you invest in a healthy work environment?

According to a 2023 study by the Portuguese Psychologists Association, stress and lack of wellbeing among employees have a direct impact on employee wellbeing and company performance.

2 in 5 workers have experienced a mental health issue.

53% have missed work due to burnout.

60% feel physical exhaustion daily.

57% feel mental exhaustion.

96% say it affects their daily life.

Employees miss up to 8 days per year due to stress and psychological health issues, and presenteeism can account for up to 15.8 days

Loss of productivity costs companies in Portugal up to €5.3 billion per year.

What are the main benefits?

    • Improved Physical Health: Enhances flexibility, strength, and posture, reducing work-related injuries.

    • Better Mental Health: Lowers the risk of mental health issues like depression and burnout.

    • Lower Absenteeism: Decreases stress and anxiety, fostering a calmer work environment with higher participation.

    • Increased Productivity: Boosts focus and mental clarity, leading to better concentration on tasks.

    • Leadership Development: Enhances emotional intelligence and decision-making skills for current and future leaders.

    • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Raises morale and engagement, resulting in a more motivated workforce.

    • Increased Retention: Retains talent by showing a commitment to employees' health and happiness.

    • Attracting Talent: Draws high-quality candidates who value a healthy work-life balance.

    • Enhanced Team Collaboration: Strengthens team bonds and improves communication and problem-solving.

    • Positive Company Culture: Fosters a supportive and inclusive company culture.

    • Cost Savings: Reduces healthcare costs and turnover rates, saving the company money long-term.

    • Enhanced Corporate Reputation: Improves the company's image among clients, partners, and the public.

How is the process?

My working process is based on the NP 4590:2023 standard "Organizational Well-being and Happiness Management System - Requirements and guidelines for its use," and consists of three steps.


Identify needs and risks

I start by identifying employees' wellbeing needs in the workplace environment.


Develop policies and practices

I create a wellbeing strategy with policies and practices that promote wellness.


Implement continuous improvement

I analyze the strategy's impact, implementing improvements to meet evolving needs.

What are the solutions that I can offer you?

Yoga classes

Before work, during lunchtime, or after work, each session blends elements of concentration and focus, movement, and relaxation. Choose between 45-minute, 60-minute, or 90-minute classes, online or in your office.


These workshops are designed to elevate employee wellbeing, leading to productivity, reduced absenteeism, and higher job satisfaction. Some topics are Mindfulness Meditation, Chair Yoga, or Breathing techniques.


A mid or full-day exploration of wellness practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, creativity, positivity, etc. This dedicated time and space allow for connection and reflection, inspiring teams.


I create impactful events and brand activations that deeply resonate with your audience. I foster deep connections between your brand and its audience through immersive yoga, mindfulness workshops, and tailored experiences.

Personalized Solutions

Personalized Solutions

A black and white picture of two hands holding

Tailored to your needs, I create customized wellbeing strategies designed to suit your team's specific requirements.

These programs are available in flexible durations, providing comprehensive techniques and practices for self-care and achieving work-life balance.

These personalized strategies integrate wellness into every aspect of your workflow, empowering your team with sustainable approaches that prioritize wellbeing and enhance productivity.


I'm Liliana, with over 14 years of experience as a Project Manager and UX researcher in global corporations.

My work has provided me with deep insights into workplace dynamics and the impact of stress and burnout, and my own experience with burnout ignited a passion for corporate wellbeing, leading me to found Respira.

At Respira, I blend my corporate expertise with holistic wellness practices to develop tailored strategies that address current challenges and promote a sustainable culture of health and happiness.

My mission is to help corporations create environments where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to thrive.

  • Drawing from my background in project management and UX research, I use my skills to identify organizational needs, implement tailored solutions, and nurture their effectiveness. My approach integrates practical experience with a profound understanding of human-centered solutions in corporate settings.

  • I employ a holistic and human-centered approach, starting with a thorough assessment of each corporation's specific needs and challenges. I also collaborate closely with clients to co-create tailored wellbeing strategies that prioritize sustainable solutions and align with corporate objectives.

  • By integrating continuous improvement practices into the wellbeing programs. I monitor the impact of implemented solutions, gather feedback from stakeholders, and adapt strategies to meet evolving needs, fostering long-term wellbeing and organizational health.

A black and white picture of Liliana seated looking down, eyes close

Do you have questions?

I have a list of your possible frequent questions and answers about Corporate Wellbeing.

A picture of shades of nature in a wall
A black and white picture of Liliana doing a yoga asana